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Viti Levu Island, Fiji   

Trip Day Twenty-two: Sunday, October 14, 2007   

Some Houses On the Highway to Suva

Some Houses

This group appears to be a larger house nestled among several that are much smaller.

These larger and above the norm among those that we saw.
Some, that are not pictured, weren't much better than tar-paper shacks.
Yet, one of our dinner companions later told of a taxi driver that took our acquaintance to his own home. The man showed him the house and gave him tea. The place was a hovel, but he was very proud of it, and felt himself fortunate. This reminds us that success is measured, to a large degree, by our expectations.
NOTE:  No cruise line encourages passengers to go off on their own like this.
They cannot guarantee your safety when you subject yourself to unknown risks.
We shiver when thinking how this cab ride could have ended.


There are many like this little community.

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