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Viti Levu Island, Fiji   

Trip Day Twenty-two: Sunday, October 14, 2007   

Farewell Fiji

5:04 PM ~ We have left the pier on time.

A Nearby Island

Once known as the "Cannibal Isles," Fiji is now a colorful crossroads of South Pacific travel. Of the 322 islands that make up the Fiji Group, 100 of them are inhabited.


Navigation is for the more experienced sailors. Reefs can popup seemingly in open water.

You Have To Be Fast . . .

to catch the pilot boat. In the first picture the boat approaches the Sun Princess. In the second the pilot boat pulls away. There are 13 seconds between these pictures!

Farewell Fiji

We get waves from those on the pilot boat.

Although we had two sea days before we reached Auckland, New Zealand, there were no pictures of the clouds or seas to share, so the Auckland pictures are next.

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