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Waitemata Harbour, Auckland, New Zealand

Trip Day Twenty-five: Wednesday, October 17, 2007

View From The Top

Deck Lounges At Ready

I wouldn't think too many will spend this day lounging on top of the ship when Auckland awaits their exploration. As it turned out, the wind blew gales that day. The crew undoubtedly had to take them inside to prevent them litterally sailing into the City of Sails.
In Case You Wondered ...

Hei MatauThe circular motif that decorates these picture frames is a modified fish hook. The fish hook is a traditional Maori symbol for prosperity. We more often see this symbol in a more upright design similar to the one at the right.


Our flag flies.

Some Needed Petrol To Complete Our Journey

This work boat handled the necessary hoses for the hookup to the refueling station.
The white oval object in the upper-left corner of the picture is our external antenna used for our hand-held GPS that we brought along on the trip. We kept it attached to the balcony railing most of the trip.

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